Friday 21 December 2012

Make 2013 the year you finally experience a Flavours Cooking, painting or Pilates holiday

It’s the time of year when trees shiver in their underwear and we are in a hurry to close the curtains and shut out the smoky ends of the short days. I’m sure you recognise that quiet time between Christmas and the New Year; all hurry has evaporated and there is a lull before the next celebration, which is just enough of an opportunity for your mind to stray over what was, is and might be.

Yes, late December is a time to take stock and think about what the coming twelve months may have in store. Some plans and resolutions are inevitably made and forgotten, but others actually come to fruition and become turning points, beginnings and sometimes life changing decisions.

It’s never too late to pick up an interest you may have always hankered over or have allowed to slide beneath other pressing activities. Perhaps 2013 might be the year where you take a holiday that’s more than a flop on a beach. You might discover a different perspective and an opportunity to nourish both brain and your body.

Whatever your interest, whether it is a writing retreat, painting holiday, cooking or even Pilates getaway, these days there are so many different options available online. In fact there are so many it can sometimes be difficult to make a decision instead of pontificating over what might turn up - on the very next click.

These short days before the New Year, therefore, are ideal opportunities to re-evaluate, throw out what’s not needed, replace and rejuvenate. What better than to take stock and consider how you might achieve a long held ambition, tone up the body or even blow the dust off a box of watercolours or tap shoes.

In some respects we are our own worst enemies and many of us are loath to put our own needs first once in a while. The old adage: ’all work and no play makes Jill a dull girl’ is quite right and sometimes a break from routine can mean we renew our efforts with added vigour upon our return.

A new perspective can offer all kinds of insights which might shed light on thorny issues which at present seem impenetrable.

Taking time to think about something different, enjoy an inspirational landscape, even use a different part of your brain and body can actually allow our subconscious to work undisturbed to find a solution to a staffing problem, or compose the next plan for a new product or service.

Certainly working long hours with few breaks and opportunities to relax or pursue hobbies is not the best way to increase productivity and a Flavours holiday can offer a complete contrast to the vista which comprises desk, computer, wall and telephone.

Flavours have worked hard to develop a series of carefully planned holidays which will offer an antidote to the 9-5. If the weather is dull, the temperature low and sun a long distant memory then take a look at the 2013 brochure and picture yourself, sitting overlooking an Umbrian hillside or drinking wine with fellow cooks after a satisfying day touring local food producers or even cooking with experts in one of the splendid Flavours kitchens.

Click here to see just what there is on offer and make the coming year one which is filled with happy memories and exciting activities; remember, a change is as good as a rest. So, if you have already enjoyed a Flavours holiday before you will know just how much effort goes into making it special and now we have added other destinations in Italy that’s more than enough excuse to book again.
Happy New Year to your new-found passion!

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