Tuesday, 4 June 2013

A Pilates holiday will tone summer bodies and reverse bad habits

In the summer we are far more active. The tendency to slump in front of the television wanes and suddenly the sitting room is almost a ‘no go’ area as we spend more time outside and generally looking to what the world is doing.

Of course summer time can bring a shock when we find our best linen outfit no longer fits or we are having difficulty heaving ourselves up from a picnic blanket. So, how did I find myself in tight-fitting dress booking a Pilates holiday?

I had decided this inactivity wasn’t going to spell the new me. None of us has to accept the consequences of our actions for long. Yes, of course we must take responsibility for what we do, but what I am saying is we can change things.

Bad habits are what happen when I don’t  take care of myself. It’s strange really because we are always downloading updates for our tech equipment but don’t consider we might need to also do this for ourselves. After all, we may not be Man or Woman 2.0 but it’s the only version we are likely to be. So it is worth looking after.

Amazingly, and let’s face it you are looking at a prize cynic, I found that just a little foray into the world of Pilates made an enormous difference. In fact, so much so, that I became a convert and wondered whether there was any way I might take this new found enthusiasm and capitalise on it.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered Pilates holidays actually existed. I couldn’t believe my luck and quickly booked, in case I changed my mind! 

It was an extraordinary decision to have made and let me tell you I didn’t regret it for a single moment. I would never have believed what a week’s immersion into an interest could do for one’s confidence, skill and general ability: I am an evangelising convert to Pilates holidays! 

Therefore if the idea of exercising in some much needed Italian sunshine appeals; if shutting off the outside world and talking part in a seven day immersion method Pilates holidays is what you need; then book today before the places are a snapped up.

You can find a late availability Pilates holiday in Sicily from 8th June, Tuscany from the 15th June and Tuscany on the 3rd August. Why wait? Click here.      


Anonymous said...

“Bad habits are what happen when I don’t take care of myself” - I agree! Pilates not only helps you own a healthy body but a healthy mind as well. Doing this with friends is much more enjoyable. This is why most people enroll themselves in Pilates class because they find their fellows there, and it keeps them motivated. Thank you for sharing this!

Form Body Lab

Jesolo Hotels said...

For sure, we must love our bodies and make everything to look good an be healthy. Congrats!